


However in order to achieve absolute brilliance and an octagonal shape, all the facet has to be positioned in a very precise way.

The “ Flanders cut “ is the result of high-level creativity and the polishing expertise of Antwerp craftsmen.

The “ Flanders cut “ has opened sophisticated and exciting possibilities for creating new jewellery designs.

Such as “ Pave “ setting or “ Channel “ setting or “ Straight line “set design. Almost no openings between the stones and showing unmatched fire and brilliance.




「フランダース カット」には 61 のファセットがありました。非常に複雑な対称性を持っていました。絶対的な輝きを実現するには、すべてのファセットを非常に正確な方法で配置する必要があります。その並外れた輝きの秘密は、石を八角形にカットした後、古典的なラウンド ブリリアントの基本構造が尊重されていることにあります。

The "Flanders Cut" had 61 facets . It had very complex Symmetry. In order to achieve the absolute brilliance, all the facets have to be positioned in a very precise way. The secret of it's exceptional brilliance lies in the face that the basic structure of the classical round brilliant is respected once the stone is cut into it’s octagonal shape.